The Neuroscience of Leadership: 
A three-part webinar series on leading with the brain.

The quickening pace of business and stresses from the pandemic have forced young leaders and their organizations to adapt at a rate we've never experienced before. In this three-part webinar series, Sandra McDowell - CEO and founder of eLeadership Academy - explains why an understanding the neuroscience of leadership has never been more important for young professionals. Bridging the gap between brain research, human behavior, and 21st century leadership, Sandra sounds the alarm that we need to take action to fuel and protect the human brain––our personal leadership supercomputer.

Click on the dates below to register for each webinar.

April 21
of Focus

In spite of our best intentions and productivity-boosting technology, our ability to pay attention is suffering. If you think there are too many distractions in our world today, brace yourself. It’s only going to get worse. That’s the bad news. The good news is that we are not powerless. We can improve our ability to focus. Join us and learn how distractions can negatively impact performance and how to attune attention.

In spite of our best intentions and productivity-boosting technology, our ability to pay attention is suffering. If you think there are too many distractions in our world today, brace yourself. It’s only going to get worse. That’s the bad news. The good news is that we are not powerless. We can improve our ability to focus. Join us and learn how distractions can negatively impact performance and how to attune attention.

May 26
of Connection

We all have a need to feel a sense of belonging and attachment to others. This is rooted in our intuitive knowledge that we are stronger together than we are alone. When we feel like we are valued and accepted, we can think more clearly, be creative, be ourselves, and engage. Join us and learn how to harness the social brain for teamwork and collaboration.

We all have a need to feel a sense of belonging and attachment to others. This is rooted in our intuitive knowledge that we are stronger together than we are alone. When we feel like we are valued and accepted, we can think more clearly, be creative, be ourselves, and engage. Join us and learn how to harness the social brain for teamwork and collaboration.

June 16
of Well-Being

Your ability to lead is directly tied to having a healthy brain. If you don’t take care of your brain, you will be in no condition to lead anyone, yourself included. True leadership is about action, not position. And part of that action is taking care of yourself—and modeling self-care for those you lead. Join us and learn how to use keystone habits to strengthen your resilience and well-being.

Your ability to lead is directly tied to having a healthy brain. If you don’t take care of your brain, you will be in no condition to lead anyone, yourself included. True leadership is about action, not position. And part of that action is taking care of yourself—and modeling self-care for those you lead. Join us and learn how to use keystone habits to strengthen your resilience and well-being.