A world of opportunity.

Connect your career to a world of opportunities through the WYCUP Scholarship.

The World's Young Credit Union Professionals Scholarship Program connects emerging leaders to a world of opportunity through our global network of credit unions and financial cooperatives. These annual awards recognize individuals who have demonstrated leadership and exemplify a commitment to improving lives through financial cooperatives.

The WYCUP scholarship includes airfare, hotel, and registration fees to attend one of the following events:

  • More details coming soon

Link to opportinities
World Credit Union Conference (WCUC)
  • July 21-24, 2024 – The World Credit Union Conference in BOSTON, MA, USA represents the world’s largest gathering of emerging leaders and credit union professionals.
    Scholarship recipients will connect with the pulse of our global movement and build new relationships with your global peers during five (5) full days of learning, networking and exchange.  WYCUP Scholars get access to exclusive conference extras and will participate in a community giveback activity as apart of their experience.
    This year, the WYCUP will be co-hosting a joint forum with GWLN to celebrate their 15 year anniversary bringing together young, emerging, and women leaders from around the world., as well as additional breakout learning and networking sessions during the WCUC 2024!
WCUC 2024

WYCUP is unique among professional networks. We share global perspectives and empower emerging leaders who are empathetic, innovative and better prepared to lead financial cooperatives to a brighter future. Our credit unions might work locally, but people connected through WYCUP are applying their local   actions to our shared global challenges. In the process, we’re changing the relationship between our organizations and young people around the world. By investing in young leaders like you today, credit unions and financial cooperatives are ensuring our shared success and sustainability tomorrow.

Who should participate?

Employees and volunteers (40 years of age and younger) from credit unions that are affiliated with WOCCU member organizations are welcome to apply. If you are passionate about your work and want to share your talents and experience with your global peers, this is the professional development opportunity for you!

Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible for the WYCUP scholarship, individuals must:

  • Be 40 years of age or younger on January 1, 2024.
  • Demonstrate passion, leadership, personal commitment, and the potential to influence credit unions or financial cooperatives within or outside their country.
  • Be an active employee and/or volunteer with a credit union or cooperative financial institution.
    Preference will be given to applicants who are engaged with local young professional networks, or working to create a local network.
  • Be endorsed by a credit union, cooperative financial institution or national/regional association that is either a member of the World Council of Credit Unions or is affiliated with one of its members.
    WOCCU member organizations 
  • Not have been a previous WYCUP scholarship recipient or a current World Council employee.

Application Checklist
An eligible application for the WYCUP scholarship includes the following:

  • An application form is completed by the candidate with their sponsor's knowledge.
  • Proof of age (e.g., copy of passport, driver’s license, birth certificate or other official document).
  • A video of the applicant responding to the questions noted on the Application Form.
  • WYCUP scholarship nominations must be received by January 1, 2024. Applications and any supporting materials should be directed to wycup@woccu.org.

Notes on the Video Requirement

  • The video should be a maximum of 5 minutes in duration.
  • Please ensure the video is recorded in landscape / horizontal format.
  • Nominees must upload their videos to YouTube. The video should be titled: “Your Name - WYCUP 2024”. The link to the video must be noted on the Nomination Form.
  • If applying for the Confederation of Caribbean Credit Unions (CCCU) Conference you must add in a statement about your industry knowledge and/or experience with sustainability. 
  • All nomination materials become the property of World Council and may be used for promotional purposes in World Council’s educational, news or promotional material, whether in print, electronic or other media, including the World Council website.

Selection Process
A panel of World Council, Worldwide Foundation staff, alongside WYCUP alumni will review all applications based upon the criteria noted in the eligibility requirements Recipients will be announced in January 2024 and will be celebrated in a live video meeting at the WYCUP Affiliates Council meeting in February 2024.

Scholarship Application Materials

WYCUP Scholarship Application Acceptance
Closed January, 01  2024
Reviewing Applications Now

Previous Scholarship Recipients

Links to videos of previous WYCUP scholarship recipients. 
Click Here

Scholarship Recipient Responsibilities

  • Scholarship recipients will play an active role throughout the year following the award, sharing their experience and attending quarterly meetings of the WYCUP Affiliates Council.
  • Scholarship recipients are strongly encouraged to document international engagement in social media, actively participate during WYCUP events and support collaboration between WYCUP and local networks. 
  • Scholarship recipients and their sponsoring organizations will sign a commitment letter recognizing these responsibilities. Failure to do so may result in forfeiture of the scholarship.
  • The ability to obtain and receive a visa may be a requirement of your experience. Please plan ahead. If you are selected to attend and you are unable to obtain your VISA you may be unable to attend an in person event as a WYCUP Scholar. 

Thank you to TruStage for enriching our professional journeys as champion Sponsors of the WYCUP Scholarship Program!
