
WYCUP is expanding professional networks globally. Click for details on opportunities to connect, learn and share with your peers around the world.


WYCUP is a global community of young Credit Union and Financial Cooperative professionals. Click for details on our global network, events and initiatives.


WYCUP is a platform for young professionals to collaborate on our shared challenges. Click for details on opportunities to apply your experience and be part of the solution.


WYCUP is inspired by professional journeys that celebrate our cooperative values. Click for opportunities to support our efforts and inspire others.


WYCUP is raising the voice of young professionals through financial cooperatives. Click for details on our scholarship program, youth empowerment initiatives and other shared resources.



Connect your career to a world of opportunity. Join our global network of young professionals connected through financial cooperatives.
Connect your career to a world of opportunity. Join our global network of young professionals connected through financial cooperatives.

WYCUP Affiliates Council

A quarterly gathering of young professionals connected through financial cooperatives around the world. Join us for global perspectives on professional journeys and youth empowerment.
A quarterly gathering of young professionals connected through financial cooperatives around the world. Join us for global perspectives on professional journeys and youth empowerment.

WYCUP ConneXion

The WYCUP ConneXion networks young professionals with their peers at credit unions and financial cooperatives around the world. Join us to meet, learn and share with your global peers.
The WYCUP ConneXion networks young professionals with their peers at credit unions and financial cooperatives around the world. Join us to meet, learn and share with your global peers.

Webinars and Events

WYCUP offers opportunities to learn and connect with your global peers throughout the year. Click to learn more about WYCUP programming and our calendar of events.
WYCUP offers opportunities to learn and connect with your global peers throughout the year. Click to learn more about WYCUP programming and our calendar of events.